香港國際文化高峰論壇2024 - 跨文化 越時代


Connecting Cultures, Bridging Times 跨文化 越時代 跨文化 越时代

Hong Kong has always been an international city where East meets West. With arts and culture gaining momentum in the city and to demonstrate Hong Kong’s role as the East–meets–West centre for international cultural exchange, the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA) organises the first–ever Hong Kong International Cultural Summit (the Summit) on 24 – 26 March 2024 at the West Kowloon Cultural District.

The Summit seeks to bring together global leaders of arts and cultural institutions to promote international cultural exchange and cultivate long–term partnerships. Over 20 eminent cultural leaders and experts from 12 countries / regions, including heads of major cultural districts and internationally renowned arts and cultural institutions, will share their insights on a wide range of topics, from the contributions of cultural districts to social and economic transformation, the impact and challenges of digital technology on museums to post–pandemic cultural exchanges. Over 1,000 local, Mainland and overseas delegates will gather in the West Kowloon Cultural District and engage in fruitful dialogues and exchanges during the Summit, as well as participate in a wide range of arts and cultural events in different parts of Hong Kong to experience the diverse cultural landscape of the city.

To foster international cultural exchange and long–term partnership, during the Summit, WKCDA (including M+ and Hong Kong Palace Museum) will sign Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with more than 20 leading arts and cultural institutions from the Mainland and overseas. These MOUs cover extensive areas of collaboration, including co–organising and touring exhibitions and performing arts programmes, research, as well as professional training and development.

The Summit is the first international event to kickstart Hong Kong Art Week 2024, setting the scene for a week–long exciting events filled with artistic excellence and cultural festivities.


為促進國際文化交流和建立長期夥伴關係,西九文化區管理局(包括M+ 及香港故宮文化博物館)於論壇期間會與內地及海外逾20間頂尖藝文機構簽署合作意向書,涵蓋合辦及巡迴展覽和表演藝術節目、研究、專業培訓與發展等廣泛合作領域。



为促进国际文化交流和建立长期夥伴关系,西九文化区管理局(包括M+ 及香港故宫文化博物馆)于论坛期间会与内地及海外逾20间顶尖艺文机构签署合作意向书,涵盖合办及巡回展览和表演艺术节目、研究、专业培训与发展等广泛合作领域。


About the West Kowloon Cultural District 關於西九文化區 关于西九文化区

The West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) is a strategic investment by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the HKSAR) Government to provide the infrastructure for the long–term development of Hong Kong’s arts and culture. As one of the largest cultural projects in the world, our goal is to create a vibrant cultural quarter where the local and international arts scenes can interact, develop, and collaborate.

To realise this vision, the HKSAR Government established the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority on 11 July 2008. The Legislative Council also approved an upfront endowment of HK$21.6 billion for developing and operating WKCD.

Spanning 40 hectares of reclaimed land, WKCD integrates arts and culture, education, open spaces, Hotel, Office and Residential developments, and Retail, Dining and Entertainment facilities. Upon completion, it will offer about 23 hectares of public open space, a two–kilometre harbourfront promenade, and a variety of arts and cultural facilities hosting world–class exhibitions, performances and events.

Core arts and cultural facilities in WKCD that are open to the public include the Xiqu Centre, Freespace, the Art Park, M+ and the Hong Kong Palace Museum. The Lyric Theatre Complex is under construction, with the target of completion within the 2025 / 26 fiscal year.



區內主要文化設施包括戲曲中心、自由空間、藝術公園、M+ 和香港故宮文化博物館等經已開放,而演藝綜合劇場目前爭取在2025/26年度內完工。



区内主要文化设施包括戏曲中心、自由空间、艺术公园、M+ 和香港故宫文化博物馆等经已开放,而演艺综合剧场目前争取在2025/26年度内完工。


Venue: |地點:|地点:Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館|香港故宫文化博物馆
Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony (by invitation) 合作意向書簽署儀式 (僅限受邀嘉賓) 合作意向书签署仪式 (仅限受邀嘉宾)
Venue: |地點:|地点:Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館|香港故宫文化博物馆
Cocktail Reception (by invitation) 酒會 (僅限受邀嘉賓) 酒会 (仅限受邀嘉宾)
Venue: |地點:|地点:Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館|香港故宫文化博物馆
Welcome Dinner (by invitation) 歡迎晚宴 (僅限受邀嘉賓) 欢迎晚宴 (仅限受邀嘉宾)
Venue: |地點:|地点:Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館|香港故宫文化博物馆
Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony (by invitation) 合作意向書簽署儀式 (僅限受邀嘉賓) 合作意向书签署仪式 (仅限受邀嘉宾)
Venue: |地點:|地点:Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館|香港故宫文化博物馆
Cocktail Reception (by invitation) 酒會 (僅限受邀嘉賓) 酒会 (仅限受邀嘉宾)
Venue: |地點:|地点:Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館|香港故宫文化博物馆
Welcome Dinner (by invitation) 歡迎晚宴 (僅限受邀嘉賓) 欢迎晚宴 (仅限受邀嘉宾)
Venue: |地點:|地点:2/F, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心2樓|戏曲中心2楼
Guest Registration 嘉賓登記 嘉宾登记
Venue: |地點:|地点:4/F Foyer, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心4樓前廳|戏曲中心4楼前厅
Networking and Refreshments 交流茶會 交流茶会
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心大劇院|戏曲中心大剧院
Opening 開幕 开幕
Welcome Remarks:|歡迎辭:|欢迎辞:
The Hon Henry Tang|唐英年|唐英年 Chairman of the Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR 西九文化區管理局董事局主席 西九文化区管理局董事局主席
Opening Remarks:|開幕辭:|开幕辞:
The Hon John KC Lee|李家超|李家超 The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區行政長官 香港特别行政区行政长官
Congratulatory Message:|賀辭:|贺辞:
Dr Wang Xudong|王旭東博士|王旭东博士 Director of the Palace Museum, on behalf of the Minister of Culture and Tourism, PRC 故宮博物院院長(代表國家文化和旅遊部部長) 故宫博物院院长(代表国家文化和旅游部部长)
Bertrand Lortholary|白玉堂|白玉堂 Ambassador of France to China 法國駐華大使 法国驻华大使
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心大劇院|戏曲中心大剧院
Plenary Session –
Topic: Cultural Districts’ Contributions to Social and Economic Transformation of Cities
Cultural districts have emerged as a powerful catalyst for driving social and economic transformation. By clustering arts, cultural and entertainment venues as well as activities in a geographic location, cultural districts enrich the ecosystem of creative economy and unleash synergy among their stakeholders, from museums, performing arts centres, education institutions to art galleries and art–themed retail and dining, catering to visitors’ diverse interests and appetite.

On the economic side, cultural districts stimulate innovation and investment, encourage collaboration between public and private sectors, and attract visitors from around the world with the holistic experience they offer. As a social infrastructure, cultural districts serve as gathering places for people of different backgrounds and cultures to exchange ideas and learn from each other. The vibrant ambience, iconic architecture and diversified programmes of cultural districts together create a lively environment that enhances people’s quality of life and transforms the city landscape.

In Hong Kong, the 40–hectare West Kowloon Cultural District has emerged as a unique cultural precinct aiming to foster East–meets–West international cultural exchange and intercultural dialogues through its exciting array of arts and cultural programmes.

In this plenary session, speakers will share their thoughts and insights on the multifaceted contributions of cultural districts in bringing transformative social and economic changes, and explore how cities can harness the power of cultural districts to enhance people’s quality of life, establish or revitalise the city’s branding and catalyse the development of other industries such as cultural tourism.






Tim Reeve
Tim Reeve|Tim Reeve|Tim Reeve Chair of East Bank Board, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer of Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom 英國倫敦 East Bank 董事局主席兼維多利亞與艾爾伯特博物館副館長兼營運總監 英国伦敦 East Bank 董事局主席兼维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆副馆长兼营运总监
Shaika Al-Nassr
Shaika Al-Nassr|Shaika Al-Nassr|Shaika Al-Nassr Director, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar 卡塔爾多哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館總監 卡塔尔多哈伊斯兰艺术博物馆总监
Katrina Sedgwick
Katrina Sedgwick|Katrina Sedgwick|Katrina Sedgwick Director and CEO, Melbourne Arts Precinct Corporation, Australia 澳洲墨爾本藝術區總監兼行政總裁 澳洲墨尔本艺术区总监兼行政总裁
Akiko Miki|三木亞希子|三木亚希子 International Artistic Director, Benesse Art Site Naoshima, Japan 日本直島倍樂生藝術基地國際藝術總監 日本直岛倍乐生艺术基地国际艺术总监
Betty Fung|馮程淑儀|冯程淑仪 CEO, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR 西九文化區管理局行政總裁 西九文化区管理局行政总裁
Lunch 午膳時間 午膳时间
Venue: |地點:|地点:Venue: G/F Main Hall, M+|M+ 地下大堂|M+ 地下大堂
Guest Registration 嘉賓登記 嘉宾登记
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Stair at M+|M+ 大台階|M+ 大台阶
Panel Discussion (I) –
Topic: Promise of Digital
Through exploring the profound impact of emerging technologies on the global ecology of arts and culture and featuring leaders of arts and cultural institutions from around the world, the panel will delve into the responses in the cultural scene to the rapidly advancing digital technologies, having witnessed the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence, non–fungible token (NFT), open access, digitisation of objects, and mixed reality exhibitions in recent years. How have emerging technologies transformed museum and art practices? What are the possibilities for new forms of creation and storytelling? 透過探索新興技術對全球藝術和文化生態的深遠影響,並聚焦來自世界各地的藝術文化機構翹楚,本專題討論環節將深入探討文化領域對迅速發展的數位技術的回應。近年來,我們目睹了人工智慧、非同質化代幣、開放數據、物品數位化,以及虛擬與現實混合型展覽的湧現。新興技術如何改變博物館和藝術實踐?對於新的創作和敘事形式帶來怎樣的可能性? 透过探索新兴技术对全球艺术和文化生态的深远影响,并聚焦来自世界各地的艺术文化机构翘楚,本专题讨论环节将深入探讨文化领域对迅速发展的数位技术的回应。近年来,我们目睹了人工智慧、非同质化代币、开放数据、物品数位化,以及虚拟与现实混合型展览的湧现。新兴技术如何改变博物馆和艺术实践?对于新的创作和叙事形式带来怎样的可能性?
Refik Anadol
Refik Anadol|Refik Anadol|Refik Anadol Media Artist and Director, Refik Anadol Studio, United States/Turkey 美國/土耳其媒體藝術家及 Refik Anadol Studio 總監 美国/土耳其媒体艺术家及 Refik Anadol Studio 总监
Thomas P. Campbell 博士
Dr Thomas P. Campbell|Thomas P. Campbell 博士|Thomas P. Campbell 博士 Director and CEO, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, United States 美國三藩市美術博物館館長兼行政總裁 美国三藩市美术博物馆馆长兼行政总裁
Maholo Uchida
Maholo Uchida|Maholo Uchida|Maholo Uchida Project Head, Center for Cultural Innovations at TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY, East Japan Railway Foundation for Cultural Innovations, Japan 日本東日本旅客鐵道文化創意財團TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY文化創新中心項目主管 日本东日本旅客铁道文化创意财团TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY文化创新中心项目主管
Marcella Lista 博士
Dr Marcella Lista|Marcella Lista 博士|Marcella Lista 博士 Head Curator, New Media and Asia Pacific, Centre Pompidou, France 法國龐比度國家藝術和文化中心新媒體及亞太地區首席策展人 法国庞比度国家艺术和文化中心新媒体及亚太地区首席策展人
András Szántó 博士
Dr András Szántó|András Szántó 博士|András Szántó 博士 New York-based cultural strategy consultant and author, United States 美國紐約文化策略顧問和作者 美国纽约文化策略顾问和作者
Break 小休 小休
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Stair at M+|M+ 大台階|M+ 大台阶
Panel Discussion (II) –
Topic: Decentring Digital
We are on a cusp of another digital revolution. Generative artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, and decentralised digital economies promise to reshape fundamentally the way we live, create, and communicate. What are the possibilities and pitfalls of the digital–centric life? Will Web3.0 contribute to individual autonomy and equal access to knowledge and resources? If the metaverse becomes the universal norm, how will we remain connected to the natural world and to our own material histories and cultures? 新一輪的數碼革命即將來臨。生成式人工智慧、區塊鏈技術和去中心化數碼經濟將徹底改變我們生活、創造和溝通的方式。數碼生活會帶來哪些新可能?背後要經過怎樣的磨合?第三代互聯網能否協助個人實現自主,並促進知識和資源的平等分配?假如元宇宙成為全球常態,人類與大自然和物質文化歷史的關係又會發生怎樣的變化? 新一轮的数码革命即将来临。生成式人工智慧、区块链技术和去中心化数码经济将彻底改变我们生活、创造和沟通的方式。数码生活会带来哪些新可能?背后要经过怎样的磨合?第三代互联网能否协助个人实现自主,并促进知识和资源的平等分配?假如元宇宙成为全球常态,人类与大自然和物质文化历史的关系又会发生怎样的变化?
Yat Siu|蕭逸|萧逸 Co–Founder and Executive Chairman, Animoca Brands, HKSAR 香港 Animoca Brands 聯合創辦人兼執行主席 香港 Animoca Brands 联合创办人兼执行主席
Michael John Gorman 教授
Prof Michael John Gorman|Michael John Gorman 教授|Michael John Gorman 教授 Director Designate, MIT Museum, United States and Founding Director, BIOTOPIA Naturkundemuseum Bayern, Germany 美國麻省理工學院博物館候任館長、德國 BIOTOPIA 自然歷史博物館創館館長 美国麻省理工学院博物馆候任馆长、德国 BIOTOPIA 自然历史博物馆创馆馆长
María Wills Londoño
María Wills Londoño|María Wills Londoño|María Wills Londoño Independent Curator and Former Director, Banco de la República Art Museums, Bogotá, Colombia 獨立策展人、哥倫比亞共和國銀行藝術博物館群前館長 独立策展人、哥伦比亚共和国银行艺术博物馆群前馆长
Ma Yansong|馬岩松|马岩松 Architect, Founder of MAD Architects, China 建築師、MAD 建築事務所創始人 建筑师、MAD 建筑事务所创始人
Suhanya Raffel|華安雅|华安雅 Museum Director, M+, HKSAR M+ 博物館館長 M+ 博物馆馆长
Venue: |地點:|地点:2/F, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心2樓|戏曲中心2楼
Guest Registration 嘉賓登記 嘉宾登记
Venue: |地點:|地点:4/F Foyer, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心4樓前廳|戏曲中心4楼前厅
Networking and Refreshments 交流茶會 交流茶会
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心大劇院|戏曲中心大剧院
Opening 開幕 开幕
Welcome Remarks:|歡迎辭:|欢迎辞:
The Hon Henry Tang|唐英年|唐英年 Chairman of the Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR|西九文化區管理局董事局主席|西九文化区管理局董事局主席
Opening Remarks:|開幕辭:|开幕辞:
The Hon John KC Lee|李家超|李家超 The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region|香港特別行政區行政長官|香港特别行政区行政长官
Congratulatory Message:|賀辭:|贺辞:
Dr Wang Xudong|王旭東博士|王旭东博士 Director of the Palace Museum, on behalf of the Minister of Culture and Tourism, PRC|故宮博物院院長(代表國家文化和旅遊部部長)|故宫博物院院长(代表国家文化和旅游部部长)
Bertrand Lortholary|白玉堂|白玉堂 Ambassador of France to China|法國駐華大使|法国驻华大使
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心大劇院|戏曲中心大剧院
Plenary Session –
Topic: Cultural Districts’ Contributions to Social and Economic Transformation of Cities
Cultural districts have emerged as a powerful catalyst for driving social and economic transformation. By clustering arts, cultural and entertainment venues as well as activities in a geographic location, cultural districts enrich the ecosystem of creative economy and unleash synergy among their stakeholders, from museums, performing arts centres, education institutions to art galleries and art–themed retail and dining, catering to visitors’ diverse interests and appetite.

On the economic side, cultural districts stimulate innovation and investment, encourage collaboration between public and private sectors, and attract visitors from around the world with the holistic experience they offer. As a social infrastructure, cultural districts serve as gathering places for people of different backgrounds and cultures to exchange ideas and learn from each other. The vibrant ambience, iconic architecture and diversified programmes of cultural districts together create a lively environment that enhances people’s quality of life and transforms the city landscape.

In Hong Kong, the 40–hectare West Kowloon Cultural District has emerged as a unique cultural precinct aiming to foster East–meets–West international cultural exchange and intercultural dialogues through its exciting array of arts and cultural programmes.

In this plenary session, speakers will share their thoughts and insights on the multifaceted contributions of cultural districts in bringing transformative social and economic changes, and explore how cities can harness the power of cultural districts to enhance people’s quality of life, establish or revitalise the city’s branding and catalyse the development of other industries such as cultural tourism.






Tim Reeve
Tim Reeve|Tim Reeve|Tim Reeve Chair of East Bank Board, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer of Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom 英國倫敦 East Bank 董事局主席兼維多利亞與艾爾伯特博物館副館長兼營運總監 英国伦敦 East Bank 董事局主席兼维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆副馆长兼营运总监
Shaika Al-Nassr
Shaika Al-Nassr|Shaika Al-Nassr|Shaika Al-Nassr Director, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar 卡塔爾多哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館總監 卡塔尔多哈伊斯兰艺术博物馆总监
Katrina Sedgwick
Katrina Sedgwick|Katrina Sedgwick|Katrina Sedgwick Director and CEO, Melbourne Arts Precinct Corporation, Australia 澳洲墨爾本藝術區總監兼行政總裁 澳洲墨尔本艺术区总监兼行政总裁
Akiko Miki|三木亞希子|三木亚希子 International Artistic Director, Benesse Art Site Naoshima, Japan 日本直島倍樂生藝術基地國際藝術總監 日本直岛倍乐生艺术基地国际艺术总监
Betty Fung|馮程淑儀|冯程淑仪 CEO, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HKSAR|西九文化區管理局行政總裁|西九文化区管理局行政总裁
Lunch 午膳時間 午膳时间
Venue: |地點:|地点:Venue: G/F Main Hall, M+|M+ 地下大堂|M+ 地下大堂
Guest Registration 嘉賓登記 嘉宾登记
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Stair at M+|M+ 大台階|M+ 大台阶
Panel Discussion (I) –
Topic: Promise of Digital
Through exploring the profound impact of emerging technologies on the global ecology of arts and culture and featuring leaders of arts and cultural institutions from around the world, the panel will delve into the responses in the cultural scene to the rapidly advancing digital technologies, having witnessed the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence, non–fungible token (NFT), open access, digitisation of objects, and mixed reality exhibitions in recent years. How have emerging technologies transformed museum and art practices? What are the possibilities for new forms of creation and storytelling? 透過探索新興技術對全球藝術和文化生態的深遠影響,並聚焦來自世界各地的藝術文化機構翹楚,本專題討論環節將深入探討文化領域對迅速發展的數位技術的回應。近年來,我們目睹了人工智慧、非同質化代幣、開放數據、物品數位化,以及虛擬與現實混合型展覽的湧現。新興技術如何改變博物館和藝術實踐?對於新的創作和敘事形式帶來怎樣的可能性? 透过探索新兴技术对全球艺术和文化生态的深远影响,并聚焦来自世界各地的艺术文化机构翘楚,本专题讨论环节将深入探讨文化领域对迅速发展的数位技术的回应。近年来,我们目睹了人工智慧、非同质化代币、开放数据、物品数位化,以及虚拟与现实混合型展览的湧现。新兴技术如何改变博物馆和艺术实践?对于新的创作和叙事形式带来怎样的可能性?
Refik Anadol
Refik Anadol|Refik Anadol|Refik Anadol Media Artist and Director, Refik Anadol Studio, United States/Turkey 美國/土耳其媒體藝術家及 Refik Anadol Studio 總監 美国/土耳其媒体艺术家及 Refik Anadol Studio 总监
Thomas P. Campbell 博士
Dr Thomas P. Campbell|Thomas P. Campbell 博士|Thomas P. Campbell 博士 Director and CEO, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, United States 美國三藩市美術博物館館長兼行政總裁 美国三藩市美术博物馆馆长兼行政总裁
Maholo Uchida
Maholo Uchida|Maholo Uchida|Maholo Uchida Project Head, Center for Cultural Innovations at TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY, East Japan Railway Foundation for Cultural Innovations, Japan 日本東日本旅客鐵道文化創意財團TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY文化創新中心項目主管 日本东日本旅客铁道文化创意财团TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY文化创新中心项目主管
Marcella Lista 博士
Dr Marcella Lista|Marcella Lista 博士|Marcella Lista 博士 Head Curator, New Media and Asia Pacific, Centre Pompidou, France 法國龐比度國家藝術和文化中心新媒體及亞太地區首席策展人 法国庞比度国家艺术和文化中心新媒体及亚太地区首席策展人
András Szántó 博士
Dr András Szántó|András Szántó 博士|András Szántó 博士 New York-based cultural strategy consultant and author, United States|美國紐約文化策略顧問和作者|美国纽约文化策略顾问和作者
Break 小休 小休
Venue: |地點:|地点:Grand Stair at M+|M+ 大台階|M+ 大台阶
Panel Discussion (II) –
Topic: Decentring Digital
We are on a cusp of another digital revolution. Generative artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, and decentralised digital economies promise to reshape fundamentally the way we live, create, and communicate. What are the possibilities and pitfalls of the digital–centric life? Will Web3.0 contribute to individual autonomy and equal access to knowledge and resources? If the metaverse becomes the universal norm, how will we remain connected to the natural world and to our own material histories and cultures? 新一輪的數碼革命即將來臨。生成式人工智慧、區塊鏈技術和去中心化數碼經濟將徹底改變我們生活、創造和溝通的方式。數碼生活會帶來哪些新可能?背後要經過怎樣的磨合?第三代互聯網能否協助個人實現自主,並促進知識和資源的平等分配?假如元宇宙成為全球常態,人類與大自然和物質文化歷史的關係又會發生怎樣的變化? 新一轮的数码革命即将来临。生成式人工智慧、区块链技术和去中心化数码经济将彻底改变我们生活、创造和沟通的方式。数码生活会带来哪些新可能?背后要经过怎样的磨合?第三代互联网能否协助个人实现自主,并促进知识和资源的平等分配?假如元宇宙成为全球常态,人类与大自然和物质文化历史的关系又会发生怎样的变化?
Yat Siu|蕭逸|萧逸 Co–Founder and Executive Chairman, Animoca Brands, HKSAR 香港 Animoca Brands 聯合創辦人兼執行主席 香港 Animoca Brands 联合创办人兼执行主席
Michael John Gorman 教授
Prof Michael John Gorman|Michael John Gorman 教授|Michael John Gorman 教授 Director Designate, MIT Museum, United States and Founding Director, BIOTOPIA Naturkundemuseum Bayern, Germany 美國麻省理工學院博物館候任館長、德國 BIOTOPIA 自然歷史博物館創館館長 美国麻省理工学院博物馆候任馆长、德国 BIOTOPIA 自然历史博物馆创馆馆长
María Wills Londoño
María Wills Londoño|María Wills Londoño|María Wills Londoño Independent Curator and Former Director, Banco de la República Art Museums, Bogotá, Colombia 獨立策展人、哥倫比亞共和國銀行藝術博物館群前館長 独立策展人、哥伦比亚共和国银行艺术博物馆群前馆长
Ma Yansong|馬岩松|马岩松 Architect, Founder of MAD Architects, China 建築師、MAD 建築事務所創始人 建筑师、MAD 建筑事务所创始人
Suhanya Raffel|華安雅|华安雅 Museum Director, M+, HKSAR|M+ 博物館館長|M+ 博物馆馆长
Venue: |地點:|地点:LG/F, Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館低層地下|香港故宫文化博物馆低层地下
Guest Registration 嘉賓登記 嘉宾登记
Venue: |地點:|地点:The Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館香港賽馬會演講廳|香港故宫文化博物馆香港赛马会演讲厅
Panel Discussion (III) –
Topic: Rethinking Museum Interpretation in a Global Context
Hong Kong and many other places around the world are experiencing an extraordinary museum growth and a new wave of museum renovation and expansion projects.

What should museums of the twenty–first century look like? How should they present and interpret local and global art, cultural, and historical objects, and engage visitors and communities? What does it mean to be a truly international museum?

With the aim of fostering international understanding and exchange, the Hong Kong Palace Museum will host a panel discussion on 26 March 2024 with a series of thought–provoking presentations followed by discussion. Directors from major museums in the Mainland, France and Spain will explore these pressing issues we face today and share their insights into how museums creatively embrace the changing landscapes in the twenty–first century. Topics include audience and community engagement, innovative display strategy, inter–cultural exhibitions, and the intersections of art, science, and technology.




Dr Wang Chunfa|王春法博士|王春法博士 Director, National Museum of China 中國國家博物館館長 中国国家博物馆馆长
Miguel Falomir 博士
Dr Miguel Falomir|Miguel Falomir 博士|Miguel Falomir 博士 Director, Museo Nacional Del Prado, Spain 西班牙普拉多國家博物館館長 西班牙普拉多国家博物馆馆长
Yannick Lintz 博士
Dr Yannick Lintz|Yannick Lintz 博士|Yannick Lintz 博士 President, Guimet–National Museum of Asian Arts, France 法國吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館主席 法国吉美国立亚洲艺术博物馆主席
Dr Louis Ng|吳志華博士|吴志华博士 Museum Director, Hong Kong Palace Museum, HKSAR 香港故宮文化博物館館長 香港故宫文化博物馆馆长
Break 小休 小休
Venue: |地點:|地点:The Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館香港賽馬會演講廳|香港故宫文化博物馆香港赛马会演讲厅
Panel Discussion (IV) –
Topic: New Ways of Collaborating and Sharing in the Post–Pandemic Era: International Perspectives
As Hong Kong emerges as an international cultural destination with its strategic position as a bridge between China and the rest of the world, it has become ever more imperative for museum professionals in Hong Kong to explore new ways of collaborating with their colleagues around the globe.

With the aim of fostering international and inter–institutional partnership, the Hong Kong Palace Museum will host an inspiring panel discussion on 26 March 2024 with a series of presentations followed by discussion. Directors from major museums in Asia, Europe, and North America will share their expertise and envision together new models of collaboration and resource sharing in the post–pandemic era.

Key themes include international travelling exhibitions, training and professional development, research, conservation, education, collection access, and digital collaboration.




Dr Wang Xudong|王旭東博士|王旭东博士 Director, The Palace Museum, China 故宮博物院院長 故宫博物院院长
Laurent Salomé
Laurent Salomé|Laurent Salomé|Laurent Salomé Director, National Museum of the Palaces of Versailles and Trianon, France 法國凡爾賽宮和特里亞農國家博物館館長 法国凡尔赛宫和特里亚农国家博物馆馆长
Makoto Fujiwara|藤原誠|藤原诚 Executive Director, Tokyo National Museum, Japan 日本東京國立博物館館長 日本东京国立博物馆馆长
Chase F. Robinson 博士
Dr Chase F. Robinson|Chase F. Robinson 博士|Chase F. Robinson 博士 Director, Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, United States 美國史密森國立亞洲藝術博物館館長 美国史密森国立亚洲艺术博物馆馆长
Dr Maria Mok|莫家詠博士|莫家咏博士 Museum Director, Hong Kong Museum of Art, HKSAR 香港藝術館總館長 香港艺术馆总馆长
Venue: |地點:|地点:LG/F, Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館低層地下|香港故宫文化博物馆低层地下
Guest Registration 嘉賓登記 嘉宾登记
Venue: |地點:|地点:The Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館香港賽馬會演講廳|香港故宫文化博物馆香港赛马会演讲厅
Panel Discussion (III) –
Topic: Rethinking Museum Interpretation in a Global Context
Hong Kong and many other places around the world are experiencing an extraordinary museum growth and a new wave of museum renovation and expansion projects.

What should museums of the twenty–first century look like? How should they present and interpret local and global art, cultural, and historical objects, and engage visitors and communities? What does it mean to be a truly international museum?

With the aim of fostering international understanding and exchange, the Hong Kong Palace Museum will host a panel discussion on 26 March 2024 with a series of thought–provoking presentations followed by discussion. Directors from major museums in the Mainland, France and Spain will explore these pressing issues we face today and share their insights into how museums creatively embrace the changing landscapes in the twenty–first century. Topics include audience and community engagement, innovative display strategy, inter–cultural exhibitions, and the intersections of art, science, and technology.




Dr Wang Chunfa|王春法博士|王春法博士 Director, National Museum of China 中國國家博物館館長 中国国家博物馆馆长
Miguel Falomir 博士
Dr Miguel Falomir|Miguel Falomir 博士|Miguel Falomir 博士 Director, Museo Nacional Del Prado, Spain 西班牙普拉多國家博物館館長 西班牙普拉多国家博物馆馆长
Yannick Lintz 博士
Dr Yannick Lintz|Yannick Lintz 博士|Yannick Lintz 博士 President, Guimet–National Museum of Asian Arts, France 法國吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館主席 法国吉美国立亚洲艺术博物馆主席
Dr Louis Ng|吳志華博士|吴志华博士 Museum Director, Hong Kong Palace Museum, HKSAR|香港故宮文化博物館館長|香港故宫文化博物馆馆长
Break 小休 小休
Venue: |地點:|地点:The Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Palace Museum|香港故宮文化博物館香港賽馬會演講廳|香港故宫文化博物馆香港赛马会演讲厅
Panel Discussion (IV) –
Topic: New Ways of Collaborating and Sharing in the Post–Pandemic Era: International Perspectives
As Hong Kong emerges as an international cultural destination with its strategic position as a bridge between China and the rest of the world, it has become ever more imperative for museum professionals in Hong Kong to explore new ways of collaborating with their colleagues around the globe.

With the aim of fostering international and inter–institutional partnership, the Hong Kong Palace Museum will host an inspiring panel discussion on 26 March 2024 with a series of presentations followed by discussion. Directors from major museums in Asia, Europe, and North America will share their expertise and envision together new models of collaboration and resource sharing in the post–pandemic era.

Key themes include international travelling exhibitions, training and professional development, research, conservation, education, collection access, and digital collaboration.




Dr Wang Xudong|王旭東博士|王旭东博士 Director, The Palace Museum, China 故宮博物院院長 故宫博物院院长
Laurent Salomé
Laurent Salomé|Laurent Salomé|Laurent Salomé Director, National Museum of the Palaces of Versailles and Trianon, France 法國凡爾賽宮和特里亞農國家博物館館長 法国凡尔赛宫和特里亚农国家博物馆馆长
Makoto Fujiwara|藤原誠|藤原诚 Executive Director, Tokyo National Museum, Japan 日本東京國立博物館館長 日本东京国立博物馆馆长
Chase F. Robinson 博士
Dr Chase F. Robinson|Chase F. Robinson 博士|Chase F. Robinson 博士 Director, Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, United States 美國史密森國立亞洲藝術博物館館長 美国史密森国立亚洲艺术博物馆馆长
Dr Maria Mok|莫家詠博士|莫家咏博士 Museum Director, Hong Kong Museum of Art, HKSAR|香港藝術館總館長|香港艺术馆总馆长


The Summit will take place at venues across the West Kowloon Cultural District.

We will be hosting more than 1,000 delegates at the Xiqu Centre for the Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session of the Summit on the morning of 25 March 2024.

Panel Discussion Sessions will be conducted at M+ in the afternoon of 25 March 2024 and at the Hong Kong Palace Museum on the morning of 26 March 2024.

Livestreaming will be available for all sessions of the Summit.






The Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM) aspires to become a leading cultural institution committed to the study and appreciation of Chinese art and culture. Opened in July 2022, HKPM is a collaborative project between the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and the Palace Museum in Beijing. Featuring more than 900 precious treasures from the Palace Museum, including 166 grade-one objects, the opening exhibitions series constitute the Palace Museum’s largest loan to an institution outside Mainland China since its establishment in 1925.

At its heart, the HKPM is a cultural resource that belongs to the community of Hong Kong. It is a dynamic platform that inspires community engagement, fosters cross-cultural dialogues and works to promote creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration. Through research, exhibitions and publications, as well as educational, cultural and professional exchange programmes, the Museum builds international partnerships and helps position Hong Kong as a hub for art and cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world.

A fresh and contemporary interpretation of traditional architectural aesthetics, the HKPM building houses nine galleries covering a total of 7,800 square metres, a 400-seat auditorium, a museum shop and several restaurants. Designed by Hong Kong-based Rocco Design Architects Associates, the building draws inspiration from both Chinese art and architecture and Hong Kong’s urban environment. Three atriums connect the different floors of the HKPM vertically, referencing the horizontal spatial configuration of the Forbidden City along its central axis and embracing a spirit of bringing Chinese heritage to modern audiences. The HKPM building has won the HKIA Medal of the Year in HKIA Annual Awards 2022/23 from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects.

For more information, please visit the Hong Kong Palace Museum website.



香港故宫文化博物馆的目标是成为世界顶尖的博物馆,推动中国文化艺术的研究和欣赏。博物馆于2022年7月开幕,是西九文化区管理局与故宫博物院的合作项目。 900多件来自故宫博物院的珍贵文物在开幕展中亮相,当中166件为国家一级文物,是故宫博物院自1925年创立以来最大规模的藏品出境外借。



Read more|詳情|详情
M+ is the first global museum of contemporary visual culture in Asia. Opened in November 2021, it features permanent collections rooted in Asia but defined, developed and examined from a global perspective. With a total of 33 galleries spanning 17,000 square metres, M+ is dedicated to collecting, exhibiting and interpreting visual art, design and architecture, moving images and Hong Kong visual culture of the 20th and 21st centuries. The museum also includes three cinema houses, two museum shops and a number of restaurants, as well as a member-exclusive M+ lounge. M+ also has a standalone Conservation and Storage Facility to house its 8,000+ collections and conservation laboratories.

Designed by a global team of world-renowned architecture firms, Herzog & de Meuron in partnership with TFP Farrells and Arup, M+ is both monumental in its architectural form and radically open in its position in the urban landscape. Located on the Victoria Harbourfront, the M+ Facade is embedded with LEDs for screening moving image works. The Facade’s custom-designed cladding draws inspiration from traditional Chinese roofs. The museum building is in a structure not simply anchored in its surroundings, but also formed by them.

For more information, please visit the M+ website.

由世界知名建築師事務所Herzog & de Meuron與 TFP Farrells和奧雅納共同設計,其設計外型和開放寬敞的建築特色,於城市中罕見獨特,是香港重要地標之一。大樓屹立於維多利亞港,外牆設有LED大型屏幕「M+幕牆」,展示M+流動影像作品。



由世界知名建筑师事务所Herzog & de Meuron与 TFP Farrells和奥雅纳共同设计,其设计外型和开放宽敞的建筑特色,于城市中罕见独特,是香港重要地标之一。大楼屹立于维多利亚港,外墙设有LED大型屏幕「M+幕墙」,展示M+流动影像作品。


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Xiqu Centre|戲曲中心|戏曲中心
The Xiqu Centre opened its doors to the public in January 2019 as a world-class performing arts venue in the WKCD dedicated to the preservation, promotion and development of Chinese traditional theatre, in particular Cantonese opera. Presenting traditional xiqu performances, the Xiqu Centre strives to advance the legacies and traditions of this unique artform, while simultaneously encouraging artists to create new pieces or improve on existing works. It seeks to expand the audience base and encourage a new generation of artists for xiqu, sharing Hong Kong’s world intangible cultural heritage with an international audience.

The Xiqu Centre consists of two theatres, a seminar hall and eight rehearsal studios. The 1,075-seat Grand Theatre is a world-class venue tailor-made for professional xiqu performances, fitted with an orchestra pit and state-of-the-art lighting and sound equipment. The Tea House Theatre was designed to recreate the intimate atmosphere and experience of a traditional tea house, offering Chinese tea and dim sum during performances. It is also suitable for small-scale performances of regional xiqu genres or traditional music.

The eight-storey Xiqu Centre was designed by Bing Thom Architects (now Revery Architecture) and Ronald Lu & Partners. The striking architectural design embodies the essence of the xiqu art form, with the concept of “flow” or “qi” interpreted in the fluid movements of the building and the use of curved planes, arched openings and circular paths. The Atrium has a large podium and is light and spacious, with doorless entrances that open to the outdoors, making it an attractive destination any day of the week, even at times when no performances are taking place.

For more information, please visit the WKCDA website.


樓高八層的戲曲中心由譚秉榮建築事務所(現稱Revery Architecture)及呂元祥建築師事務所設計。戲曲中心的外型設計充分體現了戲曲文化的精粹,從流線外型到空間的鋪排處理,呈現出「氣」的概念。戲曲中心中庭設計四通八達,每天迎接無數觀眾與訪客。



楼高八层的戏曲中心由谭秉荣建筑事务所(现称Revery Architecture)及吕元祥建筑师事务所设计。戏曲中心的外型设计充分体现了戏曲文化的精粹,从流线外型到空间的铺排处理,呈现出「气」的概念。戏曲中心中庭设计四通八达,每天迎接无数观众与访客。

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Major Sponsor|主要贊助|主要赞助


Travel Partner|旅遊夥伴|旅游伙伴

Hotel Partner|酒店夥伴|酒店伙伴

Technology Partner|科技夥伴|科技伙伴

Media Partners|媒體夥伴|媒体伙伴

The content of this/these programme(s)/activity(ies) does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 節目/活動內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見。 节目/活动内容并不反映香港特别行政区政府的意见。